
In April 2018, Blue World City embarked on its journey, offering plots on convenient installments at remarkably low prices. Initially, the society assured potential investors that it possessed no more than 4 to 5 thousand kanals of land. However, hurdles arose in the form of NOC (No Objection Certificate) complications right from the outset.

political discrepancies

Initially, the NOC approval process faced impediments, largely due to political discrepancies. The management’s affiliations with differing political entities at the time hampered the expeditious processing of the NOC. Consequently, this delay affected the aspirations of numerous hopeful homeowners, eagerly awaiting the green light to invest in their dream plots.

However, a recent development has sparked optimism within the community. Mr. Naeem Ijaz, a prominent partner of Blue World City, has assumed the esteemed position of Member of the Punjab Assembly. This newfound political clout presents a golden opportunity for the management to swiftly navigate through the bureaucratic maze and ensure the clearance of all requisite documents for Blue World City.

CEO Blue Hills and Blue worlsd city

NOC status

The ramifications of obtaining the NOC are profound, particularly for the middle and lower-income segments of society. The potential approval promises a surge in plot prices, making them more financially viable for a broader spectrum of investors. For many, Blue World City represents an accessible entry point into property ownership, bridging the gap for those who find themselves priced out of the already developed sectors of Rawalpindi and Islamabad.
